The Addams Store at Kountze, Texas (Photographer: William Warcup Barner). Snowfall amounts included: Atlanta: 6.5"; Austin, TX: Approximately 6"; Baton Rouge: 12.5"; Beaumont, TX: Approximately 28"; Brownsville: Approximately 6"; Galveston: 15.4"; Houston: 20"-22"; Lake Charles, LA: 22.0"; New Iberia, LA: 13.5"; and New Orleans: 8.2" downtown and 10.0" at the New Orleans Audubon.
News account from Austin, Texas: "The land of the oleander awoke yesterday morning [February 15] to find itself under snow to the depth of about four inches on a level and with snow still falling. In places the drifts were over two feet deep and the oldest inhabitant was unable to recall such a snowfall in this part of Texas... At this hour the depth of snow on the level was said to be about six inches deep and many drifts were reported two- and three-feet deep, something no white man remembers to have ever seen here before."
Source: "The Driven Snow," Austin Weekly Statesman, February 21, 1895.
Account from Point Isabel, Texas: "I thought when I last wrote you about the weather that we had seen the worst of it, but last night [night of February 14] was worse. It began to snow in the night and continued until about 10 o'clock this morning. It was freezing cold all the time, with the wind strong from the north, drifting the snow and piling it up in places until the drifted snow was deeper than I care to say, as it might be doubted that it ever snowed that much as far south as this. Taken all in all, it is the greatest snowstorm I ever saw in South Texas."
Source: "The Snow at the Point," The Daily Herald, February 18, 1895.
New account from New Orleans: "For more than twelve hours past snow has fallen here steadily and tonight [evening of February 14] the Crescent City is wrapped in a mantle of white such as she never wore before... Street car service was entirely suspended this afternoon, and the hackmen reaped a harvest, charging unheard of prices for their vehicles."
Source: "New Orleans Covered," Fort Worth Gazette, February 15, 1895.
Men stand with shovels in 700 block of Canal Street, view towards the intersection of Carondelet. Stranded trams in background. The metal tower was for an early system of electric lighting. (Photographer: Charles L. Franck)
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Sleighing scene in Atlanta
Source: Atlanta Constitution, February 18, 1895.