
April 17-18, 2020
Midwest to New England

Newport, Michigan

Source: Michigan Department of Transportation
Wyandotte, Michigan
Wyandotte, Michigan
Wyandotte, Michigan

A special thanks to Josh Halasy for the above three photos
Weymouth, Massachusetts

A special thanks to Scott Nogueira for the above photo

Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania

A special thanks to Michelle Gargurevich for the above photo
Tolland, Connecticut
Tolland, Connecticut

A special thanks to Kevin Wood for the above two photos
Chicago. Snowfall amounts included: Albany: 0.5"; Ann Arbor, MI: 5.0"; Binghamton: 5.7"; Boston: 0.7"; Burrillville, RI: 5.8"; Chicago: 3.0"; Detroit: 3.4"; Dundee, MI: 5.0"; Hartford: 2.4"; Providence: 1.2"; Rochelle, IL: 4.2"; Rockford, IL: 3.0"; Tolland, CT: 5.5"; Worcester: 4.7"; and, Wyandotte, MI: 3.3"

A special thanks to Alek Haselhorst for the above photo