
Weather Resources Index

Models/Ensembles/Forecasting Tools

National Weather Service Portal (forecasts and data)

Climate and Weather Visualizations:
Climate Reanalyzer
Global and Regional Climate Anomalies (

Current Analysis:
Current Data (Synoptic
Current Day Global Temperatures and Anomalies (NOAA)
Heat Index Calculator (National Weather Service)
Near current U.S. temperature Map (MESONET)
24-hour Temperature Change (WPC)
Near Real-Time Global Sea Surface Temperatures Anomalies (SSTAs) (NOAA)
Hourly Mesoscale Analysis (SPC)
Precipitation Identified Near the Ground (NOAA)
Radar Products (National Weather Service)
GOES-12 Satellite Images
Snow Extent and Anomalies (NOAA)
Winds (

Recent and Near-Current Global Weather Data:
Near-current weather data ( ***Includes same-day minimum/maximum temperatures***

Computer Guidance/Teleconnections:
Short-Range Tools and Medium-Range Tools (CPC) ***
Day 8 Objective Analogs: Models and Ensembles
Objective Analogs (6-10-Day): 0z GFS6z GFS12z GFS, and 18z GFS
Objective Analogs (8-14-Day): 0z GFS6z GFS12z GFS, and 18z GFS
Winter Weather Analog Guidance (CIPS)
Weather Gallery (SUNY-Stony Brook)
Current Meteorology Products (Air Resources Lab) *** Beta Site ***
HYSPLIT Trajectory Model (Air Resources Lab)
RUC Soundings and Sounding Plots with Table *** (ESRL/GSD)
Ensemble Guidance and Experimental Ensembles
Canadian Ensemble Forecasts
Day 8 and Week 2 Forecasts (Climate Prediction Center)
NCEP/EMC Cyclogenesis Tracking Maps
Canadian Models (Environment Canada) ***
Canadian Models (Meteocentre)
Canadian Models: Animated Precipitation Type Forecast (Environment Canada)
European: Operational Model and Ensembles (ECMWF)
Precipitation Type/Amount (
Model Extraction Text Page (
Models ( -- includes ECMWF ensembles
NCEP Model Analysis and Forecasts *** and Run-to-Run Comparisons and Parallel Runs
Storm Prediction Center's 4km WRF: 0z and 12z (for mesoscale features e.g. banding) ***
Weather.US (Models, including high-resolution ECMWF images)
Global Temperature and Temperature Anomaly Forecasts (Climate Reanalyzer)
Meteogram Generator (Iowa State University) **Snowfall Algorithms**
ENSO Forecasts (IRI Columbia)
ENSO Maps and Resources (Climate Prediction Center)
Model Biases (Hydrometeorological Prediction Center)
Multivariate PNA (MVP) Index (North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies)
Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) – Graph of Recent Values (Bureau of Meteorology)
Global Windfield Mode (CDC)
Soundings and Moisture Products (GOES)
Unofficial Record-Breaking Temperatures (

Long Range Forecasts: 
Copernicus.EU seasonal forecasts page and graphical forecasts (key seasonal forecasting system is the C3S)
Japanese (Monthly and Seasonal
Probabilistic Seasonal Forecast (IRI)
Constructed Analog Method (CPC) 
RRWT (Consonant Chaos)
Multi-week subseasonal forecasts (George Mason University)

Atmospheric River Forecast Products:
Forecasts and Observations (Category 1-5) from CWSE

Bufkit Profiles:
The Bufkit Warehouse
Penn State University

International Drought Information (NIDIS)
North American Drought Monitor (NCEI)
U.S. Drought Monitor (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Local Drought Impact by City and Zip Code (Drought.Gov)
Drought Impacts Multi-Tool
European Drought Observatory
Weekly Drought Outlook (NDIS)

Hazards Outlooks:
3-7 days (WPC)
8-14 days (CPC)
Days 8-14 GEFS Probabilistic Extremes Maps (CPC)

Heat Risk:
Heat and Health Index (CDC)
Heat Risk (WPC)
Heat Risk-Historical Data (WPC)

Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO):
MJO ensemble and probabilistic forecasts (BOM)
MJO Products (CPC) 

Model Output Statistics (MOS):
Main Page and MOS Output (National Weather Service): MAV   MEX

National Blend of Models:
NBS/NBE (MDL Test Site)

National Digital Forecast Database:

North American Ensemble Forecast System (NAEFS):
NAEFS (Environment Canada)

North American Weather Regime Forecasts:

Precipitation (Short-Term)
Extreme Precipitation Monitor (WPC)
Probabalistic QPF Guidance (WPC)

Real-Time Attribution
Climate Shift Index (Climate Central)

Snowfall (Short-Term):
HREF Ensemble System (SPC)
Probabilistic Precipitation Portal (NWS)
Probabilistic Winter Precipitation Guidance (WPC)
Day 4-7 Winter Weather Outlook (WPC)
Winter Storm Severity Index: Days 1-3 (WPC)
Winter Storm Severity Index-Probabilistic: Days 1-7 (WPC)
Experimental Banding Diagnostics (Robert Hart, FSU)

Soil Moisture Anomalies:
As of the most recent day (CPC)

Southern Oscillation Index (SOI):
Southern Oscillation Index Values (The Long Paddock)

Solar/Space Weather:
Solar Geophysical Data (Space Environment Center)
Space Weather Current Conditions (
Space Weather Current Conditions and Forecasts (Space Weather Prediction Center)

Stratosphere (FU Berlin) and
Stratosphere: Global Temperature Time Series (CPC)

Teleconnection Forecasts:
Teleconnection Indices/Forecasts (CPC)

Tide Forecasts:
Hydrograph/Tide Height Forecasts (NOAA)
Tides, Currents, Water Levels (NOAA)

Water Temperatures:
Water Temperature Table (NCEI)

U.S. Wildfires (American Forests)

Model Verification:
Forecast Verification Summary (DTN)
Verification of major models (NCEP)