Climate and Weather Visualizations:
Current Analysis:
Recent and Near-Current Global Weather Data:
Computer Guidance/Teleconnections:
Models ( -- includes ECMWF ensembles
Storm Prediction Center's 4km WRF: 0z and 12z (for mesoscale features e.g. banding) ***
Weather.US (Models, including high-resolution ECMWF images)
Long Range Forecasts:
Atmospheric River Forecast Products:
Bufkit Profiles:
Hazards Outlooks:
Heat Risk:
Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO):
Model Output Statistics (MOS):
National Blend of Models:
National Digital Forecast Database:
North American Ensemble Forecast System (NAEFS):
NAEFS (Environment Canada)
North American Weather Regime Forecasts:
Precipitation (Short-Term)
Real-Time Attribution
Snowfall (Short-Term):
Soil Moisture Anomalies:
Southern Oscillation Index (SOI):
Solar/Space Weather:
Teleconnection Forecasts:
Tide Forecasts:
Water Temperatures:
Model Verification: