

January 6-7, 2024
Interior Northeast

Middletown, New York
Milford, Pennsylvania. Snowfall amounts included: Boston: 3.8"; Gorham, ME: 18.5"; Hartford: 10.4"; Haverhill (3 W), MA: 18.0"; Middletown, NY: 11.8"; New York City: 0.2"; Port Jervis, NY: 13.1"; Portland: 12.8"; and White Plains, NY; 2.8"

Milford, Pennsylvania
Milford, Pennsylvania
Milford, Pennsylvania
Milford, Pennsylvania

A special thanks to Michelle Gargurevich for the above five photos
Larchmont, New York
Larchmont, New York
White Plains, New York
White Plains, New York
White Plains, New York
White Plains, New York
White Plains, New York

A special thanks to MOCKBA1 for the above five photos
Near Harriman, New York
Millbrook, New York

A special thanks to Julian Diamond for the above photo
Goshen, New York
Goshen, New York
Goshen, New York
Middletown, New York
Middletown, New York

A special thanks to Brandon Rodriguez for the above two photos
Middletown, New York
Middletown, New York
Worcester, Massachusetts

A special thanks to ORH_wxman for the above photo